Thursday 1 October 2009

Evaluation of Photography Exercise

` In our first week, we had to make our own Pinhole Box Cameras, using things like biscuit tins, or shoeboxes. We had to paint the inside of the items, with black paint, and light proof the box, so when we used the light sensitive photographic paper, it wouldn’t spoil the shot and allow us to take great pictures.
We had to measure the distance from our pinhole, to where the paper would sit, in order to work out the equation:

We had to guesstimate the size of the pinhole to 0.8mm, and with this we worked out the time we needed to leave the shutters open.
My shoebox worked out to be 40 minutes inside and 5 minutes inside; this however wasn’t practical, as when I processed the pictures, most of them was over exposed and came out black. I even reduced the shutter time; however, the same result came through over and over. Looking at my box, it was quite old, and even with the large amount of Gaffe tap on it, it was still leaking light into it.

Out of the 8 shots I took, each ranging from 40 minutes to a minute, 7 out of the 8 came out poorly, either pure white or pure black. After swapping to another class members box, i managed to get the picture in the top left.

It set outside infront of the college, I like the way it has a blurred image of my knee moving, also if your to look carefully, you can see ghostly images of the other people standing around.

1 comment:

  1. A well-composed image here Kamal - although overall your photography posts are a little brief. Did you only get one image to come out..?? If not then it would be great to see your other photographs.
