Thursday 8 October 2009

Evaluation of Jingles

Before given out task we were taught how to use the iMac computers, as well as the music editing software Soundbooth CS4. We were given a task to re arrange clips from a radio show. This taught us how to cut, arrange, and fade in/out, the basics of using the software.
I picked up using the software quite quickly and managed to finish before everyone else, and at a very good quality. One that was done and we were taught the Codes and Conventions of Jingles, we were given a task. To create 3 of our own;

-Show Promo
-Station Iden

We could use whatever music we wanted, but we had a deadline to complete it in. We were then told to plan our script and such, however I feel that unless I know what music I will be using then I can’t decide on what I will say. So I turned on my iPod and browsed through my songs, and found several songs that would fit perfectly with my Show Promo and my Station Iden. I noted them down, and then wrote my script, something simple and that is me, not trying to act like some other radio presenter.
I had trouble finding a song for my news jingle but thought when I get home I could find it on my iTunes.
The next day I came back with several songs on my USB and started editing early. Having understood the program, I easily began slipping into the groove, cutting the tracks down, fitting them together. After and hour of editing I had completed my Station Iden and Show Promo. This was very easy for me, and I had hardly any difficulty. However when it came to the News Jingle, that’s when it got hard, I had know real song for it that would fit. However I was told to take a break and allow a fellow student on the computer since some of the iMacs were faulty. For the rest of the day I helped anyone in need, a ‘Teachers Assistant’ helping with the technical difficulties.
The next day rolled in and I began finding music for my News Jingle. However most of the tracks I had did not fit with the CC of a News Jingle, they had no real ending and had no ‘authority’, After browsing the web I found a suitable track from a Chinese radio show. I quickly edited it and finished early.

The Software itself was working perfectly for me, the microphone on the top of the iMac recorded my voice with excellent quality, I could grasp all the shortcuts of the programming to become more efficient in my work. However I didn't use any of the sound effects given, and all the sounds made were from a song.

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